Not long ago, skirt steak was a cut that few in the U.S knew of. For many, it is still unknown. The Skirt steak or entraña is a cut with a large fat content. It is one of the cuts with the most blood content as well. That’s the reason of Its deep, dark red color. Due to this, the best way to eat it is medium rare to medium. The longer you cook this piece of meat, the juices evaporate and along also goes the flavor, which ends in a chewy cut of beef.
Let’s take into consideration that the cow carries two skirts or entrañas known as the inside and outside skirt. There are two skirt steaks on each cow. Outside Skirt steak (entraña gruesa) is a steak made from the diaphragm. It is very tasty but can also be a bit chewy. The inside skirt steak (entraña fina) is the corresponding flap taken from the flank or bottom sirloin. The inside skirt is narrower and tastier.
The best way to eat this cut of meat is to grill it, and it does not need much seasoning. Salt and pepper is enough for this beef Skirt Steak or Entraña due to its intense beefy flavor.
Grilled Skirt Steak Recipe
- 3 pounds Skirt Steak more or less
- Salt To taste
- Pepper To taste
- Start the charcoal or wood. When you have to embers, spread them out evenly.
- Season the Skirt steak with salt and pepper to taste
- Place on the grill over medium – medium hot heat (put your hand 2-3 inches above the grill and count 7-10 seconds, before the heat forces you to remove your hand. You will be on the right temperature)
- Depending on the weight of the skirt cook 5-8 minutes on each side, until you achieve the internal temperature of 130º F.
- Remove meat from grill and let rest for 5 minutes so you do not lose all the juices when you cut.
- Cut meat across the grain and Enjoy!